Tacoma Association of Colored Women’s Clubs

What We Do

Since 1944, the Tacoma CWC has been lending a helping hand to women and families, providing educational programs and community involvement events.

The Tacoma City Association of Colored Women's Club, Inc (Tacoma CWC) is a nonprofit, dedicated to making a positive impact. Our mission? Boost health, education, and economic opportunities in around the great city of Tacoma, Washington

We Believe in Community Values

Thanks to the unwavering support and active engagement from members of our community, community leaders, and organizations, the Tacoma CWC thrives. We're dedicated to delivering impactful programs that empower individuals to develop essential skills and access valuable resources. Together, we're not just building a stronger community; we're nurturing a culture of sustained growth and resilience for generations to come.

Lifting As We Climb

The Tacoma Colored Women’s Club is seeking to preserve and transform the historic home of Tacoma’s prominent black civil rights activist, Nettie Asberry. The house, in the heart of Tacoma’s Hilltop district, will be used as a community center to build upon and provide a cultural home for the black population of Tacoma.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

— Angela Davis